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她鄉長河 HerLand

她鄉長河 HerLand

2017|版畫 PrintMaking 「我們與過去如同與母親,都是從斷裂開始」。 「過去」即建構於記憶之上。離開了當下的瞬間後,才成了過去。 而關於離與返,就如同我們與母親。 三個角色分別是自我的三種原型;也是流著的三條血液。 血緣裡的根在成長過程中不斷的交互拉扯,將自我撕裂成許多碎片。 即使從未記得離開子宮時是如何哭泣、眷戀、與憎恨的,只有在轉身後,彼此才能面對自己「回歸的慾望」——前往母體、子宮的那一條長長的、回家的路。 “Cultural identities come from somewhere, have histories. But, like everything which is historical, they undergo constant trans-formation. Far from being eternally fixed in some essentialised past, they are subject to the continuous ‘play’ of history, culture and power.” - Stuart Hall, 1989 The idea of history is constructed upon memories. When moments fade away and become memories, we witness the birth of the past. Nevertheless, we continue on to the path of departure after we break away from the uterus. We make webs of experience as we live. Escapades become a web a fabricated history and personal truth as we grow, ending up with endless fragments of ego that we call identity. Even though we barely remember the way we howl during birth; the feeling of being loved; the things we hate, they all come together once we look back at our origins. It is until then we acknowledge our eternal desire to return. Returning to the everlasting course back to the matrix, the place we call home.
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